Love Letter to the Garden, Original Oil Painting
Original Oil Painting on 8"x10" Framed
Oil paintings are created using professional grade oil paints on double-primed archival Belgium linen adhered to MDF panel.
The paintings are then varnished three times with an archival protectant varnish giving paintings a beautiful satin sheen as it protects the work.
Whether new or antique, all frames are selected, painted and antiqued by the artist to suit each work perfectly. They tend to have light sanding and possibly bits of wear that show the touch of time.
Please, allow 10 business days for paintings to be prepared for shipment.
Original Oil Painting on 8"x10" Framed
Oil paintings are created using professional grade oil paints on double-primed archival Belgium linen adhered to MDF panel.
The paintings are then varnished three times with an archival protectant varnish giving paintings a beautiful satin sheen as it protects the work.
Whether new or antique, all frames are selected, painted and antiqued by the artist to suit each work perfectly. They tend to have light sanding and possibly bits of wear that show the touch of time.
Please, allow 10 business days for paintings to be prepared for shipment.
Original Oil Painting on 8"x10" Framed
Oil paintings are created using professional grade oil paints on double-primed archival Belgium linen adhered to MDF panel.
The paintings are then varnished three times with an archival protectant varnish giving paintings a beautiful satin sheen as it protects the work.
Whether new or antique, all frames are selected, painted and antiqued by the artist to suit each work perfectly. They tend to have light sanding and possibly bits of wear that show the touch of time.
Please, allow 10 business days for paintings to be prepared for shipment.